Monday, 17 October 2011

Would you really want £101 million?

I've been reading about the latest Euro Millions winners who won the obscene amount of £101 million last week. It got me thinking. What a ridiculous amount of money that is to offer as a prize. I can put my hand on my heart and honestly say I wouldn't want that amount of money and, by the way, if I did win an amount like that I would definitely not be going public! What are those people thinking? They say they'd rather get it out in the open so they can 'enjoy' the money! I wonder if they're enjoying having their names dragged through the murky tabloids?

I keep telling people that if I won the lottery it wouldn't change me. They always laugh and say 'You don't know how it would change you until it happens.' I WISH I could win the lottery - if only to prove to people that I hadn't changed! I LOVE my little house - and little, it is. I feel safe and secure where I live. I have everything I need - which isn't much! These people who win always talk about buying a big house, a new car - the current winners are buying a new diamond engagement ring. They bought a ring when they got engaged but now want to replace it with a diamond one. What happened to sentimental value?

I do enter the lottery but if I ever win I have a plan which I'm dying to put into action. I won't be buying a flashy car or a mansion, I'm happy with what I've got. I'm not saying for one minute that I won't have a spending spree. It would be lovely to go out and buy whatever takes your fancy  without checking the bank balance first. However I have never had access to one million pounds, let alone a hundred and one so  I think having too much money would be nearly as bad as not having enough, not quite as bad I should stress but it would bring a new set of pressures.

So if I won £101 million I think I'd keep a million so that I could make my life easier and the lives of my family too. The other £100 million would go to making a whole lot of other people's lives better, after all the old saying, 'You can't take it with you.' is very true. Oh and naturally I will be looking after everyone who follows my blog - especially those who comment!!!!!

On that note, this week's poem is a 'tongue-in-cheek prayer that I wrote some time ago.
See you next week.

Dear Lord,

Do you think that you could fix it for me
To win on the National lottery?
I wouldn’t ask for this normally
But my cash is depleting quite rapidly

I won’t waste it on irrelevant things
Like designer labels or lots of bling
Or a mansion with furniture fit for a king
I’m just fed up of tightening my purse strings

I might splash out a bit, surely I can’t be blamed
Because all of my life, Lord I’ve had to abstain
And to tell you the truth it’s becoming a bane
If I don’t get some cash soon I might go insane

If I’m totally honest I don’t think it’s fair
How some folk just seem to have more than their share
And you say of material things, we shouldn’t care
But it’s not easy, Lord when the cupboards are bare

I know I’ve not always been good, but I’ve tried
So I’d like you to put misdemeanors aside
And just for once give me an easy ride
That’s the end of my prayer, I’ll leave you to decide.

Following that post, have a read of this:

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