Friday, 7 October 2011

I'm back!

Hello again
It seems like only yesterday that I was setting up this blog - oh, yes it was yesterday. I have decided that I will try to write something on here every day to keep my two followers entertained. You may be wondering why I chose the name 'Compaholic Barbara'. Well, basically it's because I'm a compaholic. But what's that got to do with poetry? I hear you ask (Or am I hearing voices now? - worrying) Well, when I set the blog up I was going to write about how easy it is to get hooked on entering competitions - especially when you start winning. Then I decided that I would showcase my poems here - I have written over a hundred now. I believe this is called - a lack of forward planning. I just jumped in feet first. I'm a bit like that you see. I'm like the wild horse I rode when I was 9! - that poem which some of you are already familiar with, will appear in a later blog. I'm tweaking it you see - being the perfectionist that I am! - albeit an unbroken perfectionist. I won't be posting poems every day - otherwise my blog will die in 100 days, but for now I have decided to offer for your consumption a little ditty I wrote one day after I had been a bit hard on myself. Hope you enjoy it and keep the feedback coming in. I'm overwhelmed by the one comment I've had so far.........


You are getting nowhere
So why do you insist
It’ll all work out
Fine in the end
As long as you persist

It might be better
If you just admit defeat
Throw in the towel
Let out a howl
Accept that you are beat

You shouldn’t be afraid
To lose once in a while
Let down the stubborn barricade
Just shrug it off
And smile

It’s ok to admit
You made a big mistake
Went in the wrong direction
Stop aiming for perfection
Give yourself a break

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