Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Music is my first love

I've loved all sorts of music since.....well, for a very long time. My dad bought me a reel to reel tape recorder when I was a teenager (That was considered 'state of the art technology in those days!) and I spent hours recording music off Radio Caroline. Oooops, is that illegal? Well I doubt if I'll get arrested now although, knowing my luck............

It drives me mad nowadays how music has to fit into a box. When I was young there was a mixture of music genres in the charts and I think it's from there that I get my wide appreciation of different styles.

I know nothing about creating music - I wish I did, it must be so satisfying to produce a wonderful piece of music however, we can't be good at everything can we!

When people ask me what sort of music I like I reply 'Good music' I'm not being facetious when I say that. I really mean it. Of course everyone has their own definition of good music but why does it have to fit in with what's popular?

One day you'll find me listening to Mozart, another The Scorpions. Depends on my mood. In my (humble) opinion Jackson Browne is a far better song writer than Bob Dylan. As opposed to songs, he writes stories to music. If you listen to the words of his songs they are very moving. It's impossible to pick a favourite song but I thought this week I would like to share some songs that mean a lot to me.

I often wonder what the world would be like without music.I feel that the man in my previous blog has much to answer for when it comes to modern songs and I feel sorry for today's kids growing up with bland, mass produced songs - or am I just getting old?

Watching the news tonight about under nourished children in Afghanistan made me think of this song:

This song never fails to bring tears to my eyes, the raw, painful emotion. I've read John Lennon's biography from six different perspectives, what a sad story:

I often think they should make a film about Lindsay Buckingham and Stevie Nicks. What a love story that would be. I keep willing them to get back together!